Saturday, July 5, 2008

Complaint Form

Every mother should have a stack of complaint forms. I would use mine every time one of my kids comes to me with a whiny voice saying, "Moooooom?" followed by any number of complaints. Quincy hit me, Claire took my toy away, Alyce is copying me...(kids haven't figured out that all they need to do to stop the copying is to be silent.) My standard response would be, "Fill out a complaint form, I'll review it, then get back to you with my verdict." Having a complaint form would weed out all the trivial problems because it would be too much trouble to fill out the form. Only the big stuff would make it on paper, and then I could just deal with it all at once at the end of the day after the kids have gone to bed, thereby saving me from saying rash things like, "That toy is mine for the next two years!" It works for big companies, right? So why shouldn't it work for Moms?

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