Friday, July 11, 2008

Toilet Tongs

Xander has entered the stage where everything gets put in the toilet. We have a designated pair of tongs that we use to fish things out, affectionately called The Toilet Tongs. Most of the things that get put in the toilet are thrown away. If you look in all the bathroom trash cans, you will find odd things like a slinky, a pirate ball, an entire Fisher Price radio toy (quite large, but already broken and now water-logged), a tube of toothpaste, a rubber duck, two gold coins. It's actually a great way to purge ourselves of some toys. If he starts putting my paper in the toilet, that's a different story. You'll see a Xander in the trash can.


Unknown said...

I laughed out loud at this one. Max just plays in the toilet. He hasn't figured out that he could put stuff in there yet.

I had to read the ICUP thing twice before I got it. Can you tell I don't have any spellers yet? :)

Mimi said...

What a great idea! I think we definitely need some designated tongs in my house - after fishing Max's fake teeth out of the tiolet last week - I am done sticking my hand in there!