Saturday, June 7, 2008

Quincy's Day--June 7, 2008

9:00 AM—While eating breakfast, Quincy remarked to Mom, “Down below…where the bad people live…that’s called the “h” word.” He thinks for a moment. “I think that’s where we get rated-R movies from. They mail them up to us.”

12:00 noon—After lunch he started making a book called “That’s Not My Dad…” based on the Usborne Books. (Example: That’s not my tractor. It’s tires are too squishy. That’s not my tractor. It’s headlights are so shiny. Etc…). After he wrote the book, he illustrated it. Then he had Derek make four copies of each page, so he could staple them together, making four copies of the same book. Then he took the little table and chair set outside on the sidewalk with his newly published books. He put up a sign that said, “$1.” (He’s been trying to earn up money to buy a tarantula, and he only has $5 left. I told him he could earn up the rest of the money by doing chores, but apparently it was easier to write and illustrate a book, publish it, then sell it on the sidewalk where no one drives by.)

Thinking about our neighbors, it was then that Derek realized the content of the book. Here is what it said: (typos and misspellings included)
That’s not my Dad. It’s hair is to gray. (Picture of a man with gray hair, beard and mustache.)
That’s not my Dad. His skin is to brown. (Picture of a man with a REALLY brown face.)
That’s not my Dad. It’s shoes are to black. (Picture of legs wearing black shoes.)
That’s my Dad. His eyes are blue. (Picture of one blue eye. Ironically, Derek does not have blue eyes.)
The End
We live next door to a family from South America on one side, and an Asian couple on the other side. Derek was worried about them getting offended if they saw the book (due to the brown skin page), so he told Quincy he would buy all four copies of the book: one for each Grandma, one for him, and one for Mom. Quincy was really disappointed until he counted his money.

5:00 PM—Quincy was getting bored. I could tell this because whenever he gets bored, he starts to get creative. The next thing I knew, Xander was on a leash. Quincy had gotten a jump rope from the basement and tied it around Xander’s waist. Quincy was leading him around the house and Xander was following along (he can walk now, by the way). Quincy said, “I love having a baby for a pet!”

7:00 PM—During dinner, Quincy announced that Mom was too fat to wear a bikini. You’re not getting dessert, kid.


Jenn Knight said...

I randomly thought about this post yesterday while I was making dinner and I started laughing out loud. Thanks.

Mimi said...

We have one of those books about a snowman - I can see translating it over to people however might not work. I'm impressed your kids are ambitious enough to make books though. Love the bikini comment - makes you wonder what is really in your kids heads.

Alyce said...

Love it. Soooo funny!!!