Sunday, September 14, 2008

One of Those Days

I went to pick up Quincy from karate the other day, and was talking to his teacher afterwards. During the conversation, as every mother does, I was periodically counting my children to make sure they were all there. At last count, I located Alyce, Quincy, and Claire, but didn't see Xander. I quickly scanned the room with no luck. "Where's Xander?" I asked to no one in particular. Starting to panic, I raced toward the doors thinking he had walked out the door and was on his way into the street. Alyce ran after me, saying, "Mom, Mom..." I turned around, irritated at this distraction. "What?" I asked curtly. She calmly replied, "Mom, you're holding him."


Jenn Knight said...

Missy, this makes me feel so much better about myself... this would totally happen to me. :)

KS said...

I am laughing so hard right now. A pencil behind your ear is one thing, but....a baby in your arms?! hahah!

Tony, Julie and family! said...

MISSY!!! (aka Kissy Rockwood)
Ceradise Pity!!!! Do you remember that? It's me Julie Koch, from Batesville, I snagged your blogsite off of Jen's facebook page.
How r u????? I am laughing at some of your blogs...isn't life wonderful?
Email me girl!!!!
let's catch up!
take care,

Alyce said...

SOOOOO funny!!!