Friday, December 18, 2009

Claire the Elf

As I was driving some neighborhood kids home from the bus stop, I overheard them talking about elves. One of them said there was no such thing as elves, so I decided to tease them a little bit. I told them that Claire was really an elf and that every year just before Christmas, Santa comes to pick her up in his sleigh and she goes to help him wrap presents and get ready for Christmas. I said her ears started getting pointier as the days went on, and that we had never told them about it before because we try to keep it a secret. There was a long pause, like they weren't sure if I was telling them the truth or not. Claire just sat there and smiled. Then one of them said to her, "Oh yeah, then what are all the names of the reindeer?" It just so happened that Claire had her Christmas program that day in school and one of the songs they sang was "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." Not expecting a five-year-old to know the names of the reindeer, he was open-mouthed when Claire rattled them off without a pause like it was second nature. Everyone was silent. Case closed.

1 comment:

Liz said...

This is great! :) Claire doesn't really think she's an elf though, does she? That would be a kicker if she waits around all night Christmas eve for Santa to pick her up :)