Sunday, November 23, 2008

Claire Learns a Bad Word

Today after dinner, Derek and I were laying next to each other on our stomachs on the floor of the family room. The kids were crawling, walking, jumping, rolling, sliding, laying, and straddling all over our backs. As we were groaning, moaning, and grunting, Quincy told us that some kids had made fun of him, calling him a scaredy cat because he got scared at the Spook Alley at school. We asked him what he did and he said he told them, “Please don’t say that anymore.” They kept doing it, so he said again, “Please don’t say that anymore.” They still did it, so he told on them and that took care of it. We praised him for doing the right thing and for being so polite and level-headed about it, then started joking about what he could’ve said to them. I told him he should’ve said, “I’m a blue belt in karate. Stop making fun of me.” Derek mumbled more to me than anyone else, thinking the kids wouldn’t hear, “Just tell them to stop or you’ll kick their ass.” Quincy asked, “Or you’ll what?” Claire said, “Kick their ass.” Quincy said, “What?” Claire said louder, “Kick their ass.” Derek and I were laughing so hard we couldn’t stop them. I’ll let Derek explain that one to the teachers.

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